Neck, shoulder, and back pain

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Neck pain
Neck pain can sometimes result from the sudden action of lifting something heavy, repetitive movement, or prolonged poor posture when driving, at work, DIY activity or even from your sleeping position.
Often severe pain and stiffness in the joints and muscles of the neck occurs following road traffic accidents. This type of injury is known as “whiplash” and, if not treated early, the symptoms may become chronic and take longer to resolve.
Treatment may vary according to the nature and cause of the neck pain and can include joint and soft tissue mobilisation, taping, acupuncture and advice regarding exercise and postural re-education.
We can advise on orthopaedic pillows and supports to minimise effects of poor sleeping postures upon the neck and spine.

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Shoulder pain
Shoulders are not just injured during sport; they are commonly affected in office workers due to excessive keyboard use and the repetitive strain caused by poor posture.
There are many sources of shoulder pain such as shoulder impingement syndrome, rotator cuff injury, shoulder instability or dislocation, frozen shoulder or wear and tear.
A thorough assessment with a physiotherapist will help diagnose the cause of pain and assist in choosing the appropriate plan of treatment to restore movement, function and prevent further injury to the shoulder. If we feel that further investigation or orthopaedic surgery is required we can aid in referral to a specialist Shoulder Surgeon.
We understand that every shoulder is unique and requires an individual course of treatment and rehabilitation. For example, an unstable or dislocating shoulder needs specific attention given to the strength and control of the scapular muscles before general strengthening can begin. A shoulder with impingement pain needs a full and careful correction of rotator cuff muscle balance to prevent compression in the sub-acromial space. A stiff shoulder needs to be stretched, mobilized, and retrained.
Regardless of the cause, treatment of the shoulder complex requires an experienced physiotherapist who can test the movements and structures of the shoulder and come to an accurate diagnosis of the problem and focused treatment.

Back pain
Most spinal problems are mechanical in nature and is the result of poor posture, injury or over use and, if untreated, can become chronic.
Back pain can arise gradually without incident, or it can arise suddenly and severely following a seemingly simple movement. The most important aspect of treating acute and chronic lower back pain is ensuring an accurate diagnosis. This is obtained through a through history, and comprehensive physical examination looking at all structures of the lower back.
Research is in agreement that manual therapy, exercise and education is beneficial and “best practice” for back and neck problems. We can assess, diagnose and offer effective hands on treatment for a full range of back problems. Advice and exercise will be tailored to your needs and may include strengthening of muscles that support the spine.