We have produced a collection of educational Youtube videos demonstrating a range of exercises targeting specific joints / muscle groups.
Please subsribe to our PhysioQinetics Youtube channel so you will not miss future addition to the video collection.
Our exercise videos:
1. Neck and shoulder exercises
Middle trapezius strengthening
Lower trapezius strengthening 1 / Lower trapezius strengthening 2
Serratus anterior strengthening
Latissimus dorsi strengthening
Deep neck flexor strengthening
2. Back and gluteal exercises
Bridging / single-leg bridging
Core stability muscle strengthening
Neutral position of the lumbar spine
3. Hip and knee exercises
Eccentric quadriceps strengthening
Eccentric hamstrings strengthening
Squat / single-leg squat / squat with ball
Iliotibial band (ITB) stretch in standing
4. Foot and ankle exercises
Eccentric calves strengthening
Eccentric calves strengthening on step
5. Hand and wrist exercises