Trigger point release

Getty Images under licence to PhysioQinetics Ltd.
What are trigger points?
Trigger points are defined as hypersensitive spots found in taut bands of skeletal muscle fibres or in the muscle fascia that are very painful on localised palpation or compression.
What causes myofascial trigger points?
Common causes of trigger points include:
- Poor posture
- Poor biomechanical movement
- Trauma - micro muscle strains/sprains
- Over-training
- Muscle dysfunction

Getty Images under licence to PhysioQinetics Ltd.
How can myofascial trigger points be treated?
Pressure point release involves sustaining varying amount of pressure on a trigger point in a certain way to reduce muscle contracture and tightness. Sometimes, dry needling is also a form of trigger point release and can result in immediate improvement in movement and pain relief in individuals with myofascial trigger points.