Nail surgery

Who needs nail surgery?
Nail surgery is a minor surgical procedure undertaken under local anaesthetic, often to correct ingrown toenails or relieve discomfort in other toenail abnormalituy.
An ingrowing toenail is when the side of your nail is digging into the toe causing pain and infection. This can make shoes uncomfortable and any pressure on the toe painful. The side or sides of the nail can be removed or alternatively the whole nail can be removed to reduce this problem.
The aim is to resolve painful ingrowing toenails, extremely thick and unsightly nails and recurrent nail infections. After healing, patients will be able to wear shoes that may have previously aggravated their ingrowing toenail and resume sport and recreational activities that they were unable to participate in while they were suffering.
Prior to nail surgery you will require a routine appointment to discuss your treatment options. We will assess your medical health and suitability for nail surgery. We will explain the procedure and aftercare, allowing any questions you may have to be answered.

What happens in nail surgery?
The surgery involves numbing the area by giving a local anaesthetic injection into the base of the toe, followed by application of a tourniquet (a band put around your toe to stop it from bleeding) and then either part of the nail or the whole nail is removed. Then a chemical is applied to try to prevent the nail growing back.
You will not feel any pain during the procedure but the injection can sting a bit but it is over quite quickly. The anaesthetic generally wears off after a couple of hours. You may feel some discomfort but this varies from person to person. We will put on quite a big dressing so you will need to bring some sandals or very roomy open-toed shoes. Nails should be free of nail varnish.
Most people are able to return to work/school the following day with minimal interruption to their lives. You will need to bring a friend or family member as we recommend you do not drive home after the procedure. There will be a check up appointment sometime after the procedure, to ensure the wound is healing properly and the area redressed.
If you have any further questions or wish to book a consultation for nail surgery please contact us.